
Jogo is a major antagonist in the anime/manga series Jujutsu Kaisen. He is a special grade Cursed Spirit, who alongside several others of his kind, conspired to bring about the destruction of humanity and the construction of a society where Cursed Spirits like himself will reign supreme.

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  • Pixels is rated PG-13 by the MPAA for some language and suggestive comments. Violence: People engage in battles with an alien enemy throughout the film, and many of the non-human army is killed. There are pervasive depictions of weapons use, destruction of property and characters being digitized into pixels.
    The string of symbols used to replace or obscure written curse words is called grawlix. Some commonly used grawlix symbols include ampersands ( & ), at signs ( @ ), exclamation marks ( ! ), dollar signs ( $ ), and hash symbols ( # ). It's also common to replace some letters in an offensive word with asterisks ( * ).